

I have a business process where I need to read the read element values in a script task.

When the read element is set to "read a collection of records" I'm using the following code:

var AccountsData = Get>("ReadDataUserTask12.ResultCompositeObjectList");

var AccountData = AccountsData.First();

var AccountAddress="";

AccountData.TryGetValue("Address", out AccountAddress);


What change do I need to do when the read element is set to "read the first record"?






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string name = string.Empty;
string email = string.Empty;
Guid RecordId = Guid.Empty;
 * This approach should not be used in production
 * Please create process parameters and set values with standard tools (i.e. Formula)
 * ReadDataUserTask1 is the Code of "Read One Contact" element
var re = context.Process.FindFlowElementByName("ReadDataUserTask1").GetPropertyValue("ResultEntity");
if (re.TryGetPropertyValue("Email", out object _email))
	email = _email.ToString();
if (re.TryGetPropertyValue("Name", out object _name))
	name = _name.ToString();
if (re.TryGetPropertyValue("Id", out object _id))
	if(Guid.TryParse(_id.ToString(), out Guid Id))
		RecordId = Id;
//Set values to process parameters
Set<string>("Name", name);
Set<string>("Email", email);
Set<Guid>("RecordId", RecordId);
return true;




Kirill Krylov CPA,

Hi Kirill,


I don't understand you code.

So if shouldn't use this code in production.


what should I do?


I don't manage to get the values from ResultEntry.




Kirill Krylov CPA,

Your code is exactly what I need if I don't want to use "get a set of records" and if I don't what to use the "Formula" process element.

Why not to use it in production?

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I'm looking for an example code of using the aspose pdf libraries inside creatio's code.



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Are we talking about this Marketplace add-on? https://marketplace.creatio.com/app/asposepdf-connector-creatio


Did you read the Installation > Guides and manualsRead Manuals on the marketplace page?

1. Register at Aspose.PDF service (https://products.aspose.cloud/pdf/net), add an application (My Apps> Add an App), get access keys (Client Secret, Client ID).

2. Fill in the system settings "Aspose API Access Key" (= Client Secret) and "Aspose Security Identifier (App SID)" (= Client ID) with the data from item 1, respectively. Logout and login to the Creatio app again.

3. Go to System Designer > Lookups > the ‘Printables’ lookup, select the printable, and open the printable setup page, select the ‘Convert to PDF’ checkbox and save changes. Note that the ‘Convert to PDF’ checkbox is available only on the printable setup page in the new UI.

4. The add-on shows an error message if a printable conversion fails on the Aspose side (Aspose service is unavailable, service access is not paid, etc.). Detailed error description is available in the browser console.

What sort of code do you need?


Hi Julius,


Yes, I'm taking about this addon.

The thing is that this connector only allows me to create a pdf document.

I want to merge 2 pdf documents to 1.

So I thought about using the aspose cloud API SDK for .Net.


I've read in the academy that I can include external libraries, so I've been thinking using aspose libraries to do so.


So my question is related to the usage of aspose API SDK Libraries in creatio.



Hi Raz,


You can find an example of the Aspose API library call from Creatio in the 'AsposeCloud' package. Additional information on Aspose API SDK is available here - https://products.aspose.cloud/pdf/net.


Hope it helps.

Svetlana Kobizka,

Hi Svetlana,


Thank you very much for the reply.

I managed to find the AsposeCloud :)


The thing is that when I download the Apospe dll the libraries are different.


I need to use the service to merge documents, but it's not working.


I attached the code and the library that I'm using.


I appreciate if you could assist me




This is the code

PdfApi api = new PdfApi("11d276990520041f6cda09531e25aabb", "9568f0a0-cf77-4836-97d2-fd1389338080");


Hi Raz,


The responsible team checked that the Aspose connector uses Aspose.Words.Cloud.Sdk.dll, which does not include the method that you need. You can find the description of the .Pages.Add() method that you need here: https://docs.aspose.com/pdf/net/merge-pdf-documents. Please install the required library and follow the Aspose official guidelines.


We have asked the team about possible development assistance, unfortunately, they cannot assist.

Why don't you just make an extra printable template for this purpose?

A printable template which includes all the pages you need


What do you mean by "extra printable"?

I need the two printables merged together in the same document.

Alexander Demidov,



Thank you very much for the detailed answer.

All the documentation that I've found about merging files through the Aspose Words Cloud eventually needs a directory to put the file.

Or in the other way a filestream to create the file from and I can't do that, because my creatio  application is a cloud base.

Am I missing something?

Hi Raz,


I have forwarded your question to the relevant team. We will get back to you once we have more information.

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