I want to write code for "Auto Increment Numbering" when any entry will be added from anywhere in instance like Add page or business process or Data import utility.

Please suggest me the solution.

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Dear Jitendra, 


Please check server-side implementation in the article below:


Dennis Hudson,

Thanks for the reply.

But I am facing an issue while creating the business process.

Insite the formula boxstring.IsNullOrEmpty(Entity.GetTypedColumnValue<string>("Code"))

is not accepted.

Throwing error " 

Formula value error: Parameter "Entity" not found



Thanks for the reply.

But I am facing an issue while creating the business process.

Insite the formula boxstring.IsNullOrEmpty(Entity.GetTypedColumnValue<string>("Code"))

is not accepted.

Throwing error " 

Formula value error: Parameter "Entity" not found


Most likely you are creating a regular process, you need to create a process in an object (http://prntscr.com/r78hmo)

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