Filter detail grid via Javascript

Hello community,


I need to filter a detail grid in order to show only a specific type of object.

To be more precise: the detail CI Users displays Contacts and Accounts...

Has anybody done anything similar and could you provide me with a code sample?


Thank you in advance, have a nice day

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If you'd like to filter out the record, rather than just hide them, you can filter the detail using a filter method. I have outlined how to do that here:…


Solved like this: 

methods: {
			prepareResponseCollectionItem: function(item) {
				var account = item.$Account && item.$Account.value; 
					item.customStyle = {


If you'd like to filter out the record, rather than just hide them, you can filter the detail using a filter method. I have outlined how to do that here:…


Thank you Ryan!

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