How to get read data fields in script task when the type is "read the first"



I have a business process where I need to read the read element values in a script task.

When the read element is set to "read a collection of records" I'm using the following code:

var AccountsData = Get>("ReadDataUserTask12.ResultCompositeObjectList");

var AccountData = AccountsData.First();

var AccountAddress="";

AccountData.TryGetValue("Address", out AccountAddress);


What change do I need to do when the read element is set to "read the first record"?






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string name = string.Empty;
string email = string.Empty;
Guid RecordId = Guid.Empty;
 * This approach should not be used in production
 * Please create process parameters and set values with standard tools (i.e. Formula)
 * ReadDataUserTask1 is the Code of "Read One Contact" element
var re = context.Process.FindFlowElementByName("ReadDataUserTask1").GetPropertyValue("ResultEntity");
if (re.TryGetPropertyValue("Email", out object _email))
	email = _email.ToString();
if (re.TryGetPropertyValue("Name", out object _name))
	name = _name.ToString();
if (re.TryGetPropertyValue("Id", out object _id))
	if(Guid.TryParse(_id.ToString(), out Guid Id))
		RecordId = Id;
//Set values to process parameters
Set<string>("Name", name);
Set<string>("Email", email);
Set<Guid>("RecordId", RecordId);
return true;




Kirill Krylov CPA,

Hi Kirill,


I don't understand you code.

So if shouldn't use this code in production.


what should I do?


I don't manage to get the values from ResultEntry.




Kirill Krylov CPA,

Your code is exactly what I need if I don't want to use "get a set of records" and if I don't what to use the "Formula" process element.

Why not to use it in production?

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