Clio version provides new functions to find differences in system settings, features, and packages across two Creatio instances


clio show-diff --source ENV1 --target ENV2


to save the result to a file specify the file option as follows


clio show-diff --source ENV1 --target ENV2 --file "C:\manifests\diff-env1-env2.yaml"


P/S: This command finds all data from source source which not presented or has different values on the target environment


Great Idea!

Can it also find differences in Features?

Vladimir Sokolov,

Features are already part of the diff

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Clio release version allows you to save package states from your Creatio environment to the manifest file. You can use the following command to save settings to a file. 

clio save-manifest "C:\GitOps\production-manifest.yaml" -e production


Clio stores packages' Names and hash, which are based on ModifiedOn, Checksum, and Names of relative Schemas. For example

Also in the manifest file, Clio store feature states and addresses 

And web services addresses

If the manifest file does not exist, this command will create it. if the file already exists, Clio rewrites it. This behavior was created to organize the flow to store and monitor changes using Git.



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Clio version was released. Now, you can add packages to the workspace with auto generate composable application descriptors.


// Init clio workspace
clio createw
// Add package to workspace
clio add-package MyApp -a True


If you have one application in the workspace, new packages will automatically be included in it.


// Init clio workspace
clio createw
// Add package and app metadata to the workspace
clio add-package MyApp -a True
// Add a package to the workspace and include it in MyApp
clio add-package MyPackage


This command can be used to add several applications to one workspace.


// Init clio workspace
clio createw
// Add first app to workspace
clio add-package MyApp1 -a True
// Add the second app to the workspace
clio add-package MyApp2 -a True


P.S: Error of work with temp directories in multiple Clio instances at one time was fixed

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Clio release provides a command to create a state manifest for the Creatio instance and store the configuration of web services and feature states.


clio save-state "D:\manifest\myinstance-creatio-manifest.yaml" -e MyInstance


Storing this file in Git can be used to control instance changes. In future releases, the manifest file will store sys-settings values, applications, and packages, and it will also clone environment settings to clean Creatio instances.


P.S: Also the ability to work with HotFix mode was added to Clio commands. To enable/disable it use the following command


# To enable hot-fix mode for a package  
clio pkg-hotfix <PACKAGE_NAME> true -e <ENVIRONMENT_NAME> 
# To disable hot-fix mode for a package 
clio pkg-hotfix <PACKAGE_NAME> false -e <ENVIRONMENT_NAME> 


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Hello Creatio Community,

I'm asking if there is a way to connect a Hosted Cloud Environment to Clio Explorer, and develop components from visual code and deploy them to the Cloud Environment?


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