
Terrasoft.utils documentation


Where can I find the documentation for all the Terrasoft.utils functions I can use in the Freedom UI pages?

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Terrasoft.utils is a legacy/classic js module - not created for Freedom UI - although most of it will all still work with Freedom UI code. @creatio-devkit/common is the newer js classes created to work specifically with Freedom UI.

The docs for the legacy js can be found here:

There is not yet an equivalent for Freedom UI js classes in @creatio-devkit/common - you can see what exists (without any definition or explanation) here


Terrasoft.utils is a legacy/classic js module - not created for Freedom UI - although most of it will all still work with Freedom UI code. @creatio-devkit/common is the newer js classes created to work specifically with Freedom UI.

The docs for the legacy js can be found here:

There is not yet an equivalent for Freedom UI js classes in @creatio-devkit/common - you can see what exists (without any definition or explanation) here


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