Process File BPM element

Can you provide an example of using the Process File element with a Process Parameter as the source of the file?    Is the parameter value a file name?  If so, from what system?

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Can you please share the whole idea of your process? What is the business task you want to achieve?


Thank you.



I would like to be able to create a new Knowledgebase article in a process.  It appears that I can save the file to a "File and Link of Knowledgebase", but I don't see a way to get the file into the system.

Thank you.


It is not possible to generate file out of nothing. The file can be only based on something, let's say on some existing file. This can be used for copying files from one record to another. If you want to generate the article based on some other record, you may try to create a printable report with macros and after that generate the report in the knowledge base article record, it its attachments.

Here is the example of this logic. I generate printable report based on my contact on the files detail in the knowledgebase article:




I don't expect to create a file out of nothing.  I am trying to get similar behavior to uploading a file for a new article in the Knowledge Base Section.  A printable does not work, it needs to support any file type.

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