Our code, that opens a page in Classic UI in v8.0.4, doesn't work in 8.2.1
this.openCardInChain({ schemaName: "UsrCustomSectionVisaPageV2", operation: ConfigurationEnums.CardStateV2.EDIT, id: this.get("Id"), renderTo: "centerPanel" });
In 8.2.1 we get only BodyMask (blank page). Sometimes after browser refresh page is open.
What can be a reason of such behavior?
Thank you
17:44 Feb 07, 2025
Hello Vladimir,
The code looks correct, according to the screenshot. To obtain more information about why the logic stopped working, I recommend debugging the system.
One of the possible solutions is to add the Enums to the Module:
define("UsrCustomSectionVisaPageV2", ["ConfigurationEnums"], function(ConfigurationEnums) {//....}
Best regards, Anhelina!
00:24 Feb 12, 2025
Nothing has helped with openCardInChain.
We have used OpenCard instead - it works
Kind regards,
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