Not able to see the bind data in the UsrRealtyOfferType_Values Tab

Hi Team,


I have added the Commission percent, from 0 to 100 to the Realty offer type Lookup and added values to the Sales and Rental field. Later, I bind the data and got a pop up like data bound successfull. Below is the screenshot for your reference:

Also, in the Column Setting of UsrRelatyOfferType_Values, I cannot see the name is getitng tagged for Commission Percent, from 0 to 100 field. Below is the screenshot for your reference:

I have tried to check the Bound data in the UsrRealtyOfferType_Values tab but I am unable to see any records in it. Below is the screenshot for your reference:

I tried to click on Add button but the add button is not working and I tried to Actualize data even that is not working.


I have checked the UsrRealtyOfferType table in the database and I am able to see the records in the table. Below is the screenshot for your reference:

Can anyone let me know why I am unable to see the data in the UsrRealtyOfferType_Values Bounda Data tab?



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