My customer doesn't want to use the communication options, because he just wants to have only one phone number, one mail-address etc.
I created new text fields, respectively we use the standard phone fields on the account entity. I placed this fields in a new field group called "Communication options".
One the normal "web client" we have no problem. With a little bit of configuration in the AccountPageV2 we have some clickable fields on the page.
But I have no idea how to configure this for the mobile client.
Has anyone implemented something like this before?
Hi Christian,
I assume what you're referring to is making the phone field a clickable field to dial the number in mobile, is this right?
To do this, you need to first create a module for the account model pages extensions. See…
Once that is created, you can add the following to the new module to make the phone field a clickable phone field (in the code below, this is for a field named "Phone" on the Account page. If your phone field is named something else like "UsrOtherPhone", you'd replace the "Phone" in the top line with that instead):
Terrasoft.sdk.RecordPage.configureColumn("Account", "primaryColumnSet", "Phone", { viewType: Terrasoft.ViewTypes.Phone });
Also, this code above also assumes the phone field is in the primary column set. This is the name of the main column group of a page, however it’s possible to create other column groups. If you’ve created another column set that you've added the field to, locate the record page for the Account page that was created by the mobile wizard in the configuration. The record page will be named [Prefix + “Mobile” + EntityName + “RecordPageSettings” + WorkplaceName]. Then you can open that and see the actual name of your column set and replace "primaryColumnSet" in the code above with this name.
Hi Christian,
I assume what you're referring to is making the phone field a clickable field to dial the number in mobile, is this right?
To do this, you need to first create a module for the account model pages extensions. See…
Once that is created, you can add the following to the new module to make the phone field a clickable phone field (in the code below, this is for a field named "Phone" on the Account page. If your phone field is named something else like "UsrOtherPhone", you'd replace the "Phone" in the top line with that instead):
Terrasoft.sdk.RecordPage.configureColumn("Account", "primaryColumnSet", "Phone", { viewType: Terrasoft.ViewTypes.Phone });
Also, this code above also assumes the phone field is in the primary column set. This is the name of the main column group of a page, however it’s possible to create other column groups. If you’ve created another column set that you've added the field to, locate the record page for the Account page that was created by the mobile wizard in the configuration. The record page will be named [Prefix + “Mobile” + EntityName + “RecordPageSettings” + WorkplaceName]. Then you can open that and see the actual name of your column set and replace "primaryColumnSet" in the code above with this name.
Hello. thanks for your detailed reply. At the moment I'm on vacation. I will try it as soon as possible. Best regards Chris
Ryan Farley,
I tried your solution and it works perfect.
Many thanks for your help