Module Created Appears different in preview modes


I have a module that I created withing the email app titled "Text Chart List" 

In the design mode, everything in the module looks to be perfect and aligned, but in the preview mode, it looks completely off:

Is there any reason why this is happening? Also, are there any workarounds/solutions that are recommended? Thanks in advance.


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The display of images on a mobile depends on the template styles. This may be due to the fixed size of the images. Unfortunately, the content designer does not allow you to configure the mobile version separately, so we recommend checking the CSS styles of the content block with these images. The only thing to do here is to experiment with the template itself (width, font, etc. in the block/section/column settings) and see how this is displayed in the mobile app.


We have already registered this problem for our development team and the issue has been prioritised thanks to your request. 

You can also contact technical support at for a more detailed analysis. 



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