Making the Creatio DCM read-only based on a condition

Can the DCM be made read-only based on the status of another object?


For Example, I have an Account object linked to a form page with a DCM for account status (Active, Terminated, and Never Active) and a Contract object with statuses of "active" and "inactive" connected to the Account object, can changes to the DCM status in the Account be prevented when the Contract status is not "active"?

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While DCM lacks a direct feature to check another object's values and restrict access based on that data, a simple no-code workaround can be implemented. Add a subprocess as the initial step in the DCM stages. This subprocess will check the related contract status, and if it's not 'Active,' it will notify the user and revert the stage to the previous one.

Alternatively, you can create a button that allows the user to select the desired stage. The system will then verify if the record can be transferred to the selected stage.

Kalymbet Anastasia,

Thank you for your input. Appreciated. 

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