Issue in binding sysadminunit data to transfer Organizational Roles



I was trying to bind the system Administration Object  (as i have created few new organizational role) ,I am facing an error saying "data is not bound for the connected object "contact" by column "contact" .

Tried to bind the contact object first and faced an error "data is not bound for the connected object "Account" by column "Account"

even when tried to bind the Account object it is throughing an error "data is not bound for the connected object "Contact" by column "Primary Contact".

I need to transfer the role data between environments. Could someone please help me resolve the issue? or Is there any easier way to do this task?

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Hello Nagaraju,


It's not recommended to bind users, organizational structure, roles, licenses, and other administrative things to a package. It will be very hard to handle that if you decide to install that package after the moment when the client adjusts that administrative things according to his or her needs directly on the production. 


Consider setting up the administrative structure directly on the required website. 


As a direct answer - the organizational roles are stored in the "SysAdminUnit" and "SysAdminUnitInRole" tables. Theoretically, it's possible to bind them to the package via SQL scripts. But it's strongly not recommended.


Best regards, 


Hello Nagaraju,

Like what Olga said, it's tricky to bind roles and users to the package via SQL scripts.

We decided to bind Org Structure and Roles only to the package (Dev Environment) and create the users and add them to roles in the test/production environment.


Thank you



Mohamed Ouederni,

Thanks for the reply Mohamed.


We are also trying for exact same approach. We are trying to bind only org structure and roles by binding 'system Administration Object' where we are getting above errors.


Could you please elaborate on how you did the task. That would be very helpful.


Thank you



We implemented it using a SQL script.

In a dev environment, we have created the Org structure and the roles.

Then we have generated insert scripts from the SysAdminUnit table.

The table takes care of the roles and the hierarchy (via ParentRoleId column).

That's it!


Thank you


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