I don't believe there is a way to hide that without using CSS. If you want to hide this for all Next Steps component, you can do it with the following CSS added globally:
crt-next-steps .next-steps-no-data-add-step-container { display: none; }
If it's only for a specific Next Steps component, you'll need the Id of the Next Steps component (click it in the form designer and scroll to the bottom of the properties window titled "Element code"). For example, if the Id is "NextSteps_7j21u6n", you'd add the CSS like this:
crt-next-steps#NextSteps_7j21u6n .next-steps-no-data-add-step-container { display: none; }
Shahul Hameed B,
It is the same as in classic. To add to a specific page see here. Basically, create a module, on the LESS tab add your CSS. Then, on the page you want to add the CSS to, add the name of the object, in quotes and prefixed with css!, in the square brackets at the top of the page. For example, if my module is named "UsrMyPageCSS" I would add "css!UsrMyPageCSS" to the square brackets at the top of the page code.