How can I access a detail connected to a contact from bulk emails template editor?



Somebody knows how can I add data from a detail connected to the contact who belongs an email?


I'm trying to compose a bulk/trigger email including some data on contact details, but no one detail is available from the template editor


Any ideas?


Thanks in advance


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Hello Julio,

SalesUp has a marketplace add-on that might work for your needs. See…


Dear Julio,

Unfortunately, it is not possible to insert information from details into macros. One account can have many records in the detail and the macro can only use one record. 

The "Connected objects" list displays only the objects that are present as columns in Contacts\Account.

We already have a task registered for our R&D to implement such functionality in future updates.

Sorry for the inconvenience.

Thanks Pavlo, would be great to have the possibility to add a detail of Recommended Products, to contact, in the email, for example.

Hello Julio,

SalesUp has a marketplace add-on that might work for your needs. See…


Ryan Farley,

Thanks Ryan, I'll try it!




Ryan Farley,

Sorry, I didn't see your previous reply :-(

Thanks Ryan, I told with SalesUp guys, and they confirm me, specifically what we need is not possible with the app, as they answers me: " The main function of our solution is to use data, taken from details (tables, lists...) to create templates with the help of macros. "

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