How to add custom filter in Activities calendar?

Hi there,

I'd like to add a custom filter to the activities calendar:

There are two filters needed - "+1 day" and "-1 day". My filters should calculate the selected day plus or minus 1 day.

The question is how to add that and where can I find the logic of the current filters listed above?

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It's also missing the basic : 

Previous Year
Current Year
Next Year

Especially that we have these options in advanced filters 🤨

Just need to make this filter customizable. We could set a name and formulas for start and end dates

Vladimir Sokolov,

Could you provide a code snippet? Honestly, I'm not sure how to start the code. I think it should be created in the same file as the current filters, but I'm unable to find them...


If I`m not mistaken, this discussion can help you achieve your goal.
To set a value you just need to write your own defValue

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