Email Signature

Hello, everyone, 

Can anyone help if it is possible when we have a shared mailbox that is going to be used for sending e-mail the signature of the e-mail is different based on the user who is sending the e-mail? 

We have managed to set up a signature per mailbox, but what we want is for this signature to be by user. For example: 

* User A: send an e-mail from the shared mailbox with his signature. 

* User B: also sends an e-mail from this shared mailbox but with their signature. 

Is this possible?

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Unfortunately, it is not possible to do. Direct replies should contain some template with macroses in case you want to change the signature for each user who needs to use this shared mailbox to perform direct replies. You can create a simple template containing a signature only, which will be different for different users.  

We've registered it in our R&D team backlog for consideration and implementation in future application releases. Once this task is completed, we will inform all our clients and customers in release notes available on our Academy.

Thank you for reporting this issue to us and helping us improve our application!

Sergii Zhmurko,

Hi , 

We are using Email signature per user basis , but now the problem is its adding extra indentation into the signature when send per line , is there any way to edit email signature css or some reference where can i find it  .

Good day, 

The only place to edit the signatures per mailbox are in the maiblox settings:


More information can be located in this article on Creatio Academy.


Additionally, layout, including the signatures, may be affected by the email client (see more).


Unfortunately, the only options to tailor CSS and HTML at this moment is in marketing emails or email templates.

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