Edit Creatio pre-configured unsubscribed text


Does anyone know how I can edit the text from the Creatio pre-configured unsubscribed page? I'm not looking at building my own page, just want to edit it. 



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Hi David,


Thank you for your question!


The unsubscribe page is pulled from our services and has a general view. Unfortunately, this page is not customizable. You can set up your own unsubscribe page and redirect unsubscribed users to it, there is no need to change the basic unsubscribe mechanism itself. More information on this can be found here:



We have already registered the idea for our R&D team to implement the functionality of editing the unsubscribe page in further releases. I will assign your post to this project in order to increase its priority.


Best regards,


Ok, thank you. Yes, it would be an important feature, as some customers work in multi-language regions, so the ability to at least have one multi-lingua message is important.

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