Do we have the release notes for 8.1 yet?
Can't see them anywhere. Thanks,
Not seen them yet but been checking. It would be great to get those before the release.
But 8.1 is avalable on 'Try it free' already, so we can guess if our ideas were implemented or not yet
"Chart UX improvements.
- Stacked chart series no longer display 0 values.
- Large numbers on X and Y axes are now shortened. For example, Creatio displays 450k instead of 450 000."
--> a small step for Creatio --> a major step for management reading numbers in Graphs !! Finally !!
It seems quite a lot of ideas have been implemented, and we're only seeing Creatio 8.1, not the subversions 8.1.x which will most probably add a lot of other requested features.
Feels like Creatio Quantum is a really fine vintage 🤩
I'm sure the release video mentioned OpenAI integration beyond generating new apps -- generating emails, etc, the ability to ask questions and get answers that include material from the knowledge base. Would be interested in how they've implemented that but there is no mention in the release notes as of yet.