Dashboard Downloads

Hi Team,


I am attaching the screenshot of dashboard which I need to download in excel or pdf format.

The problem  I am facing is that when I take the screenshot the report (Top 10 passenger detail by spend) becomes blank. 


Please help me with this! 


Thanks & Regards.


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Hi Ankit,


Pivot tables were developed using angular in our system and connected to the app as custom element and use shadow dom for styles encapsulation. And the screenshot cannot be done because of the shadow dom. Screenshot is performed using html2canvas library and it has an issue on GitHub https://github.com/niklasvh/html2canvas/issues/430. We tried updating the html2canvas library to the latest version but the error still reproduces and we are now working on developing our own rendering. So as for now there is no workaround for this problem, but using third-party screenshot tools.


Best regards,


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