Customize Account page in freedom UI generates new package

Hi Community,



1) Created new App

2) Set system setting "current package" to App main package

3) Added field to freedom UI Account page through page designer


This has created a new package outside of my application, replacing object and page schema for account.


Expected behaviour is that it creates all this in the App package


What am I missing?




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I've reported this to support a few times (most recent #SR-01261162), it's extremely aggravating - where something gets saved shouldn't be something decided for us, that is something we need control over.

You can force it to save in your package for your app by doing the following: 

  1. Get your package UId, the easiest way to do this is click "add page" in the app, then copy the packageUId=[packageuid] from the URL
  2. Now edit the account page, paste ?packageUId=[packageuid] at the end of the URL and refresh the page. Now it will save into your package.

In previous versions any time you would edit the page again later it would open up this same customized version from your package. That broke somewhat in version 8.1.1, at least for Accounts_FormPage - it will continue to want to create a new package for the save. Other areas don't seem to do that, they seem to work as before where it will re-open the previously customized version in your package. 


Hi Luis,


Next to steps 1, 2 and 3, we also fill in lookup "Package in installed application". You need to create it in the lookup list.


For each Installed Application we specify that our custom package is application current package. Currently this worked for us. You can find more info here…


Hope it helps.





Extra - extremely aggravating

Thanks Ryan I'll try it out


@Creatio: this really needs to be solved urgently, it is a lot of extra work in development, low code but high work load

Jelena Bjedov,



Thanks Jelena, I'll also try that approach

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