custom configuration service with crm authentication - to be consumed by third party application

Hi Community,

We are able to managed to create custom CUSTOM CONFIGURATION SERVICE using below link from academy.

Any idea how we can do custom configuration service with crm authentication? because this custom configuration service will not be used internally, it will be consumed by third party application.


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To execute the service, you will need to authenticate the same way that you would to use the OData API for bpm’online. This academy article walks you through the steps using Postman, the steps would be the same that you would implement in code:…


Ryan Farley,

Thanks Ryan

Is there a way we can pass the authentication through headers so that third party application will execute only one service. Can we configure the custom configuration service to use Basic authentication instead of FORM-BASED AUTHENTICATION (COOKIES)

Fulgen Ninofranco,

No. Bpm’online doesn't work that way. You must first authenticate through 

ServiceModel/AuthService.svc/Login and then another request to the configuration service. 

Fulgen Ninofranco,

As Ryan already mentioned, the authentication should be done in the following way: firstly call ServiceModel/AuthService.svc/Login service passing your credentials. In the response you will receive cookies to use in header for the further requests. Please see this article, it has good example on integration process using Postman.



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