Creating lookup for both Contact and Account



I want to create a lookup same like the Opportunity Client lookup from the opportunity section. A lookup from which I can choose either Contact or Account.


How this can be done in other custom section ?

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Hi Oren, 


The logic is controlled by a multilookup field in the out of the box code. The part of the code responsible for it is located in the OpportunityPageV2 schema. I would suggest looking at it and copying it for your business case:



Thanks philip


Are you sure this text exists in the OpportunityPageV2 schema ?

I checked on all OpportunityPageV2 schemas and on several sites, just to make sure. It's not there.


Maybe it is under a diferent schema name ?

Hi Oren, 


You can check out the BaseOpportunityPage in the opportunities package. I found another reference of it there at line 105

Let me know if this helped!

Thanks Philip


I will try to figure it up from this point.

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