Hello Community,
is there a script or tool in creatio that convert hierarchy of records like employees/department into an organization chart.
17:19 Oct 04, 2023
I can't give you a solution (you could try the Marketplace), however some C# I wrote recently to traverse the employee tree using the employee `ManagerId` which may be of use as a starting point (it returns a list of all staff subordinate to the starting employee):
using Terrasoft.Configuration; using Terrasoft.Core; using Terrasoft.Core.DB; using System; using System.Data; using System.Collections.Generic; namespace Terrasoft.Configuration.UsrEmployeeTree { public class EmployeeTree { private UserConnection UserConnection; private Guid employeeId; public EmployeeTree(UserConnection userConnection) { UserConnection = userConnection; } public void TraverseTree(Guid employeeId, List<Guid> staff) { staff.Add(employeeId); var select = new Select(UserConnection) .Column("Id") .From("Employee") .Where("ManagerId").IsEqual(Column.Parameter(employeeId)) as Select; using (DBExecutor dbExecutor = UserConnection.EnsureDBConnection()) { using (IDataReader dataReader = select.ExecuteReader(dbExecutor)) { while (dataReader.Read()) { TraverseTree(dataReader.GetGuid(dataReader.GetOrdinal("Id")), staff); } dataReader.Close(); } dbExecutor.Close(); } } } }
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