Adding a Attachment Detail using custom Object in Pre-Config Page

Hi All,

I have a use case to create an attachment detail using the custom object in the Pre-Config page. I have created a object having Parent Object as (File).

I have created a detail inside the preconfig Page,

But I couldn't see the detail as attachment in UI rather I could see it as an normal detail,

I have updated the parent page of the Detail schema to FileDetailV2, Even though I am unable to see the attachment changes in UI.

So, I have changed the entity schema name directly in the code as "FileDetailV2",

Now I am able to see the attachment in UI. But having error in the console. This error comes on opening of the page as well as trying to delete any attachment.

Also, In the designed it shows the detial as Unregistered as shown below.

Could anyone help where I have went wrong, how to resolve this issue and create a attachment detail with custom object ?


Adharsh S


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Hello Adharsh, 

Please change SchemaName back to UsrSchema******Detail and change the Parent schema back to FileDetailV2. Then compile the system. 

IF the issue persists, please contact us at

Best regards,


Hello Yurii Sokil,


I have made the changes and compiled my instance. Post that I could see the detail as an attachment. But still, I could face the error in the console on the opening of the pre-configured page and deletion of records too.


Adharsh S


Please contact us at 

This situation need deeper analysis than we can provide on community. 

Yurii Sokil,

I'm also facing the same error in console while implementing using the above method.

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