Input Box in form of a pop up in a business process


I have requirement in which I need to receive input from the user in a pop up in between a business process

Please suggested the configurations for the same.

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Hello Janhavi,


Please check if the [Auto-generated page] process element can help you to achieve your business task.


Best regards,


Bogdan Spasibov,


The Auto-generated page can not be the solution as it is not in the form of pop up(input box) and it consumes the entire screen space.

Vladimir Sokolov,


The mentioned marketplace only helps in displaying the data to the user but does not allow the user to input any data.

I need user to input data.

Janhavi Tanna,




There is no inbuild element that allows the process to show a popup, but you can create a logic that can open a popup for the user and then the input data can be used elsewhere.


The set of actions is simple:


1) Using the logic described by me in this community thread you can create a process that will send a WebSocket message to the user that triggered the process and pass all the parameters needed to the message.

2) When the message is received to the edit page you can create a handler that will open the popup with fields that can store values. There are community posts about creating a popup on the UI as well as Academy articles, for example here and here.

3) When the information is input and the OK button is pressed you can pass this information either to the UI fields, or create requests with UpdateQuery\InsertQuery classes (examples of the client-side logic using InsertQuery class and UpdateQuery class) to input information elsewhere. Or trigger another business process as described here.


So you need to study all of these and then create the logic on your side.


Best regards,


Oscar Dylan,

Will try, Thanks

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