8.1, Roadmap & recurring activities


A few questions:

  1. When can we expect 8.1 to be released to our cloud environments?
  2. What happened to the roadmap at this link? https://academy.creatio.com/docs/release/creatio-roadmap?check_logged_i…. I'd like a copy of the roadmap.
  3. Are there any plans yet to implement recurring activities?



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8.1 is currently available for trials, but not sure when it will roll out to cloud environments. 

That link still works, but you need to be logged in (and flagged as a partner login) to view it.

I don't see recurring activities on that list.


Thanks Ryan - appreciate you checking.

Would be nice for product owners at the client/account level to get access to the roadmap to plan and manage development activity accordingly. Creatio support - would appreciate it if I could get a copy.


Access is currently limited to employees and partners with access to the Knowledge Hub. Please note that the roadmap will not be available publicly to our customers and leads in the near future.


Can I query why this is? Seems a bit unfortunate to not allow your customers to see what's coming in the near future.

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