404 Not found, for custom Web service

Hello team,

I have exposed an endpoint, but keep recieveing the 404 (Endpoint not found) when i call it from postman.

I have followed: https://academy.creatio.com/docs/developer/getting_started/develop_appl…

Is there any other prior configurations that need to be done in order to recieve a status 200?

Thank you


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404 error means that there is no issue with the authorization or with the request type (GET\POST etc), it means that the endpoint you are calling doesn't exist (either because the link is not valid or because there is nothing behind this link). Also please try configuring the service as it's described here.


I am able to login. I recieve a status 200 when calling 


I copy the generated BPMCSRF and place it to the Headers of the Custom web-service. But i keep recieving status 404



404 error means that there is no issue with the authorization or with the request type (GET\POST etc), it means that the endpoint you are calling doesn't exist (either because the link is not valid or because there is nothing behind this link). Also please try configuring the service as it's described here.

Thank you for you advice Oleg. Issue was resolved

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