Fetch data of Folder Tree via odata

I need to read all the filters of all the entities via odata. 



When I run the above URL in the browser, it gives me the names of all the folders of all the objects of creatio. I need to fetch the dataset, which is returned by the folder name of the object.



For example, in the above screenshot, the filter name is "My overdue cases." I need to create or construct a query or Postman URL that will give me all the cases returned by the "My overdue cases" folder tree.

I run below URL in the Postman.

It gave me below response. 


However, I cannot identify how to fetch all the cases returned by the "My overdue cases" folder tree.


Any help in this matter would be greatly appreciated. 

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One option would be to look at the network tab of dev tools when using Creatio client, you'll see it accessing data using a SelectQuery - what you posted above would be used as the filter for that SelectQuery - you could do the same POST externally. 

Another option, would be to create a custom configuration service to retrieve the records in a filter. The code for the config web service would deserialize the filters, do an ESQ and return the records from the ESQ. You can see how to deserialize the filters in server side C# here: https://customerfx.com/article/programmatically-using-section-folder-filters-in-processes-or-server-side-code-in-creatio/


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