Read base 64 string from an image Android device using creatio application

Hello Community, 


I wanted to read a base 64 string of an image which is in android device. Also have creatio application installed in Android device. 

Now, I wanted to read an image as base 64 string format in android device from creatio, 

When I tried to read, it says undefined or null. 


Can someone help me to resolve this issue? 

Any suggestions are really helpful. 




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You can use C# and try to build a conversion script from the information in these posts:

How do I decode a base64 encoded string?

How do I encode and decode a base64 string?

A very similar question on our Community here.

Also, when the task is to upload a file to Creatio, the OData service is used for that purpose, here is an example:

Hope it helps!

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