Passing Parameter to the Business Process from Account_FormPage

Hello Community,


       I have created Business Process 1 with three parameters. I can send the GUID from the Form Page, but I also want to pass the SchemaName as a parameter to the Business Process.


1] Business Process: ( Process with 3 Parameters: )

 2] Account_FormPage:

How can I send a text value parameter from the Form Page to Process? Can I Send the Multiple Parameters to Business Process? Is there any solution for this?



Ajay K


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Unfortunately, it is impossible to do it now, but we've registered it in our R&D team backlog for consideration and implementation in future application releases. Thank you for helping us to improve our product.

Thank you!

Hi Andrii,


Thank you for your response.


I have a question : If I trigger the process from different pages, such as Account_FormPage, Contact_FormPage, or Order_FormPage, is it possible to capture detailed information in the business process flow indicating from which specific page the button was triggered?


I'm looking for something similar to how HTTP request header parameters work.



Ajay K

Hi Ajay,

Unfortunately, when triggering a business process from a button, it's impossible to determine from which specific page the process was initiated using no-code tools. However, we recommend creating a separate business process for each page. This approach lets you know exactly which page the business process was launched from.

Best regards,

Hi Andrii Kurta,


Thank you for the clarification. I understand that using no-code tools may not allow us.


However, I would like to explore whether this can be achieved using code.


Could you please guide me on how I might implement a solution using code? Any examples or documentation you can provide would be greatly appreciated.


Best regards,


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