Version incompatibility issue

I've been stuck quite sometime on this particular error while installing/configuring Creatio for On-Site development. 
Inside the ConnectionString.config file, I changed a couple of parameters in "db" section to be able to connect MSSQL server via SQL Authentication by replacing Integrated Security=SSPI to User Id and Password. however, to no avail I am still getting this error (Image attached), which i couldn't find mentioned anywhere else in this forum.

Any help would be appreciated. Thanks

ConnectionString.config "db" string:

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Please specify if you are trying to deploy an existing site's database based on binary files? Or are you deploying a new environment from scratch?

Mira Dmitruk,


I'm deploying a new environment from scratch, I have the Creatio binary files (zip) version included a database file to restore.

Yanuar Adinagoro Vishnu Saputro,



This error indicates that you are trying to install version 8.1.2 when the Database is still on version 8.1.1. 

Please correct the settings using our documentation:

Have a nice day! 

Hanna Skalko,


I see, I should use the newest database included with version 8.1.2, right? I wasn't aware of that at first. 
Thank you all, it works now.

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