I am trying to filter lookup values in the mobile application based on two columns "UsrStartDate" and "UsrEndDate". These two columns are present in the lookup object. But somehow the rule is not working. Any Comments?
Terrasoft.sdk.Model.addBusinessRule("UsrDisplayImages", { ruleType:Terrasoft.RuleTypes.Filtration, events: [ Terrasoft.BusinessRuleEvents.Load, Terrasoft.BusinessRuleEvents.Insert, Terrasoft.BusinessRuleEvents.ValueChanged ], triggeredByColumns:["UsrCurrent_Program"], filters:Ext.create("Terrasoft.Filter", { modelName:"UsrDisplay_img_CurrentProgram", property:"UsrEndDate", comparisonOperation:Terrasoft.ComparisonTypes.GreaterOrEqual, value: new Date() // current date }) });
this is the rule placed in another module : "UsrMobileFilterModelConfig"
Also attaching the code of manifest file
{ "SyncOptions": { "SysSettingsImportConfig": [], "ModelDataImportConfig": [ { "Name": "UsrDisplayImages", "SyncColumns": [ "UsrName", "UsrSales_Rep_Name", "UsrCurrent_Program", "UsrIncentive", "UsrComments", "UsrBrand", "UsrSpiff_Month", "UsrColumn3", "UsrCustomer_Name_text", "UsrPreview", "UsrNewSpiffMonth", "UsrAmount", "UsrCases_Shipped", "UsrCases1_Displayed", "UsrSales_Rep", "UsrColumn11", "UsrCustomer_Name" ] }, { "Name": "Employee", "SyncColumns": [ "Manager" ] }, { "Name": "UsrDisplay_img_CurrentProgram", "SyncColumns": [], "Ignore": false, "QueryFilter": { "items": { "dab489b7-06c4-4f1a-b588-0fe00e965bf7": { "filterType": 1, "comparisonType": 8, "isEnabled": true, "trimDateTimeParameterToDate": true, "leftExpression": { "expressionType": 0, "columnPath": "UsrEndDate" }, "isAggregative": false, "dataValueType": 8, "rightExpression": { "expressionType": 1, "functionType": 1, "macrosType": 4 } }, "5c38cd37-a1bd-49bb-9cd8-2f11e8b7fbee": { "filterType": 1, "comparisonType": 6, "isEnabled": true, "trimDateTimeParameterToDate": true, "leftExpression": { "expressionType": 0, "columnPath": "UsrStartDate" }, "isAggregative": false, "dataValueType": 8, "rightExpression": { "expressionType": 1, "functionType": 1, "macrosType": 4 } } }, "logicalOperation": 0, "isEnabled": false, "filterType": 6, "rootSchemaName": "UsrDisplay_img_CurrentProgram" }, "SyncFilter": null }, { "Name": "UsrDisplay_img_yes_no_lookup", "SyncColumns": [] }, { "Name": "UsrDisplay_Img_Spiff_Month", "SyncColumns": [] }, { "Name": "Contact", "SyncColumns": [] }, { "Name": "SocialMessage", "SyncColumns": [ "EntityId" ] }, { "Name": "SysFile", "SyncColumns": [ "RecordId", "Name", "Type", "Data", "Size", "RecordSchemaName" ], "QueryFilter": { "items": { "DesignerDefaultRecordSchemaNameFilter": { "filterType": 4, "comparisonType": 3, "isEnabled": true, "trimDateTimeParameterToDate": false, "leftExpression": { "expressionType": 0, "columnPath": "RecordSchemaName" }, "rightExpressions": [ { "expressionType": 2, "parameter": { "dataValueType": 1, "value": "UsrDisplayImages" } } ] } }, "logicalOperation": 0, "isEnabled": true, "filterType": 6 } }, { "Name": "FileGroup", "SyncColumns": [] }, { "Name": "UsrDisplay_Image_Status", "SyncColumns": [] }, { "Name": "UsrBrand", "SyncColumns": [] }, { "Name": "Account", "SyncColumns": [] } ] }, "Modules": { "UsrDisplayImages": { "Group": "main", "Model": "UsrDisplayImages", "Position": 0, "isStartPage": false, "Title": "UsrDisplayImagesSectionTitle", "Hidden": false, "screens": { "start": { "schemaName": "UsrMobileUsrDisplayImagesGridPageSettingsDefaultWorkplace" }, "edit": { "schemaName": "UsrMobileUsrDisplayImagesRecordPageSettingsDefaultWorkplace" } } } }, "Models": { "UsrDisplayImages": { "RequiredModels": [ "UsrDisplayImages", "Employee", "UsrDisplay_img_CurrentProgram", "UsrDisplay_img_yes_no_lookup", "UsrDisplay_Img_Spiff_Month", "Contact", "SocialMessage", "SysFile", "FileGroup", "UsrDisplay_Image_Status", "UsrBrand", "Account" ], "ModelExtensions": [], "PagesExtensions": [ "UsrMobileUsrDisplayImagesActionsSettingsDefaultWorkplace", "UsrMobileUsrDisplayImagesGridPageSettingsDefaultWorkplace", "UsrMobileUsrDisplayImagesRecordPageSettingsDefaultWorkplace", "UsrMobileFilterModelConfig" ] }, "SocialMessage": { "RequiredModels": [], "ModelExtensions": [], "PagesExtensions": [] }, "SysFile": { "RequiredModels": [], "ModelExtensions": [], "PagesExtensions": [] } }, "ModuleGroups": { "main": {} }, "UseUTC": true, "Remove": { "SyncOptions": { "ModelDataImportConfig": [ { "Name": "UsrDisplay_img_CurrentProgram", "QueryFilter": null } ] } } }
17:28 Apr 09, 2024
Are these rules configured on a Classic or a Freedom UI page?
If it's a Freedom UI then these types of rules won't work, see this discussion.
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