Hi all,
We are trying to send an email from a business process, but we notice that we have to set Mailbox first. When we tried to enter the email, we encountered this error.
What should we do?
I'm trying to follow your suggestion.
However, I encountered an error when trying to deploy the docker-compose.
root@server03:~/downloads/docker-compose# docker-compose up -d
Building with native build. Learn about native build in Compose here: https://docs.docker.com/go/compose-native-build/
Pulling ListenerAPI (registry.creatio.com/emaillistener:1.0.17)...
ERROR: Head "https://registry.creatio.com/v2/emaillistener/manifests/1.0.17": no basic auth credentials
It seems that the image cannot be downloaded.
I managed to make the EmailListener work by using docker.
Thank you for your help.