Refresh in a Business Process

Hi Everyone,


Is it possible to refresh of a page (Freedom UI Page) through the business process? Currently, we have multiple business processes running in our Freedom UI Order page and the client has to do a manual refresh every time. So I was wondering if it's possible to automate it as well through the process? I know that it is possible in Classic UI and I have seen the Marketplace app for it as well but that doesn't work in Freedom UI. So any ideas?

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To do this in a Freedom UI page, this article shows how to receive the server message:


Once the message is received, you can refresh the page using the code outlined in this article:


Also, for Freedom UI, there is a new option where you can set an entity to always automatically refresh the page when it’s updated in a process, as an alternative approach to the above. See



+1 for Freedom UI

To do this in a Freedom UI page, this article shows how to receive the server message:


Once the message is received, you can refresh the page using the code outlined in this article:


Also, for Freedom UI, there is a new option where you can set an entity to always automatically refresh the page when it’s updated in a process, as an alternative approach to the above. See



Thanks Ryan, you rock as always

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