View changelog option in the edit/section page in FreedomUI

Hi Creatio community,


While creating a list page or form page in FreedomUI, we noticed that the option to view the changelog is not present even after enabling changelog for that particular object. 


We would like to know how to get this option in the form page (edit page) like in the previous versions. 




Thanks in advance.




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Hi Abilash,

As far as I'm aware, this custom action is not yet available out of the box. I would assume in version 8.1 it would be present.

One workaround would be to call a handler to navigate to another URL, where you can construct the url for the specific change log of that record.

Hi Abilash,

As far as I'm aware, this custom action is not yet available out of the box. I would assume in version 8.1 it would be present.

One workaround would be to call a handler to navigate to another URL, where you can construct the url for the specific change log of that record.



At the moment, Freedom UI doesn't have a quick way to go to the Change Log. This should be available in new versions. 


A workaround would be to call a handler to navigate to another URL.


Regards, Anton 


Is there any update on this? I can't see the change log option in a recently created 8.1 free cloud environment after turning it on for an object, nor an action that would correspond to it similar to what the Access Rights has for that button.


Any news on this?

we also need to view change log.

As a temporary solution, is it possible to turn on the change log and view the changes in a lookup?

If yes, what object should be used to view the changes?




There's been an update on this - in release 18.2 there's a possibility to add a button with an action "Change log" - it can open a page with a change log for the record or entire object. The only thing is that it is still the old design and the button opens a new tab, so it's not visible on the record itself.

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