Hi all ,
I have a custom business rule in mobile app were i need to set the value of a lookup filed of the records. but i just can't find the way how to do it.
for example:
Terrasoft.sdk.Model.addBusinessRule("InvoiceProduct", {
// The name of the business rule.
name: "MyRULE",
// Business rule type: custom.
ruleType: Terrasoft.RuleTypes.Custom,
triggeredByColumns: ["Product"],
events: [Terrasoft.BusinessRuleEvents.Load],
// Handler function.
executeFn: function(record, rule, column, customData, callbackConfig) {
record.set("Product",{value: , displayValue: });
// Asynchronous return of values.
Ext.callback(callbackConfig.success, callbackConfig.scope, [isValid]);
But this does not work.. i get :
record.set("Product",{value: , displayValue: });
base-model.js:453 Uncaught TypeError: value.toLowerCase is not a function
Can you help ?
Hi Eran,
Here is how you should write a set function:
set(columnName, value, fireEventConfig)
Here is an example of how to set lookup fields:
record.set("ActivityCategory", ActivityCategory.Store.getById("8b16d130-313e-4b12-a12e-73a2dd8d33cf"), true);
Please note, the value parameter should always contain a record, if this lookup is not loaded in your mobile app then you should do a request to a database in order to get it instead of Store.getById.
Thanks Dmytro,
You are right, I needed to request the database to fetch the lookup record, and only then I could use the " set(columnName, <lookup record>, fireEventConfig) "