Devlabs refer us to the Community for support for their Excel reports builder for Creatio app, hence my post.
Is it possible to retrieve an excel spreadsheet in a business process (to be emailed as an attachment)? I have tried a web service approach (see here and here), I am able to authenticate with the `AuthService.svc` service, but get an authentication error when trying to access the `GetExportFiltersKey` endpoint.
Creatio trial, 7.18 configuration.
The code I'm using to access the web service (based on this) is as follows, the cookie is definitely retrieved (though I'm not 100% sure what the `_appUrl` should be):
string _output = ""; string _userName = "XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX"; string _userPassword = "XXXXXXXXXXXX"; string _authServiceUrl = ""; string _authServiceUrl2 = ""; string _appUrl = ""; var _authCookie = new CookieContainer(); TryLogin(); TryForKey(); Set<string>("ProcessSchemarequestResult", _output); // Sends a request to the authentication service and processes the response. void TryLogin() { var authData = @"{ ""UserName"":""" + _userName + @""", ""UserPassword"":""" + _userPassword + @""" }"; var request = CreateRequest(_authServiceUrl, authData); //_authCookie = new CookieContainer(); request.CookieContainer = _authCookie; // Upon successful authentication, we save authentication cookies for // further use in requests to Creatio. In case of failure // authentication application console displays a message about the reason // of the mistake. using (var response = (HttpWebResponse)request.GetResponse()) { if (response.StatusCode == HttpStatusCode.OK) { using (var reader = new StreamReader(response.GetResponseStream())) { var responseMessage = reader.ReadToEnd(); //Console.WriteLine(responseMessage); _output = _output + responseMessage + "\n\n"; if (responseMessage.Contains("\"Code\":1")) { throw new UnauthorizedAccessException($"Unauthorized {_userName} for {_appUrl}"); } } string authName = ".ASPXAUTH"; string authCookeValue = response.Cookies[authName].Value; _authCookie.Add(new Uri(_appUrl), new Cookie(authName, authCookeValue)); } else { _output = _output + response.StatusDescription + "\n\n"; } } } void TryForKey() { string esqStr = "{\"rootSchemaName\":\"Contact\",\"operationType\":0,\"includeProcessExecutionData\":true,\"filters\":{\"items\":{\"a99615bf-66bc-4ad4-b6da-e2d8949e090b\":{\"filterType\":1,\"comparisonType\":3,\"isEnabled\":true,\"trimDateTimeParameterToDate\":false,\"leftExpression\":{\"expressionType\":0,\"columnPath\":\"Id\"},\"rightExpression\":{\"expressionType\":2,\"parameter\":{\"dataValueType\":1,\"value\":\"98dae6f4-70ae-4f4b-9db5-e4fcb659ef19\"}}}},\"logicalOperation\":0,\"isEnabled\":true,\"filterType\":6},\"columns\":{\"items\":{\"Full name\":{\"caption\":\"Full name\",\"orderDirection\":0,\"orderPosition\":-1,\"isVisible\":true,\"expression\":{\"expressionType\":0,\"columnPath\":\"Name\"}}}},\"isDistinct\":false,\"rowCount\":-1,\"rowsOffset\":-1,\"isPageable\":false,\"allColumns\":false,\"useLocalization\":true,\"useRecordDeactivation\":false,\"serverESQCacheParameters\":{\"cacheLevel\":0,\"cacheGroup\":\"\",\"cacheItemName\":\"\"},\"queryOptimize\":false,\"useMetrics\":false,\"adminUnitRoleSources\":0,\"querySource\":0,\"ignoreDisplayValues\":false,\"isHierarchical\":false}"; string callData = "EsqString : " + esqStr + ", RecordCollection : [\"98dae6f4-70ae-4f4b-9db5-e4fcb659ef19\"], ReportId : \"ebf37bad-134c-423e-af16-aa0897522de6\""; var request = CreateRequest(_authServiceUrl2, callData); request.CookieContainer = _authCookie; using (var response = (HttpWebResponse)request.GetResponse()) { if (response.StatusCode == HttpStatusCode.OK) { using (var reader = new StreamReader(response.GetResponseStream())) { var responseMessage = reader.ReadToEnd(); //Console.WriteLine(responseMessage); _output = _output + responseMessage + "\n\n"; if (responseMessage.Contains("\"Code\":1")) { throw new UnauthorizedAccessException($"Unauthorized {_userName} for {_appUrl}"); } } } else { _output = _output + response.StatusDescription + "\n\n"; } } } // Create request to the authentication service. HttpWebRequest CreateRequest(string url, string requestData = null) { HttpWebRequest request = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(url); request.ContentType = "application/json"; request.Method = "POST"; request.KeepAlive = true; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(requestData)) { using (var requestStream = request.GetRequestStream()) { using (var writer = new StreamWriter(requestStream)) { writer.Write(requestData); } } } return request; } return true;
The error that results:
System.Net.WebException: The remote server returned an error: (401) Unauthorized. at System.Net.HttpWebRequest.GetResponse() at Terrasoft.Core.Process.UsrProcess_3608a7dMethodsWrapper.<ScriptTask1Execute>g__TryForKey|1_1(<>c__DisplayClass1_0& ) at Terrasoft.Core.Process.UsrProcess_3608a7dMethodsWrapper.ScriptTask1Execute(ProcessExecutingContext context) at Terrasoft.Core.Process.ProcessScriptTask.InternalExecute(ProcessExecutingContext context) at Terrasoft.Core.Process.ProcessFlowElement.ExecuteItem(ProcessExecutingContext context) at Terrasoft.Core.Process.ProcessFlowElement.Execute(ProcessExecutingContext context)
Gareth Osler,
I was able to implement this in the end, if anyone happens this way and would like to know the solution by all means DM me.
Gareth Osler,
hello Gareth i want to do the same to export a forecast in business process can you please share with me the solution