I added a new mailbox to our our Creatio on-prem instance and want to download emails from customized folders. I've selected this option but no folders are displaying. What could be causing this?
Thank you!
Hi Francine Braese,
Do those folders have access to be shown at CRM end?
Also, did you try to check the inbox for the mail synchronization confirmation?
BHoobalan Palanivelu.
Most likely, the mailbox synchronization is unsuccessful, you can open the browser console on the Network tab, then open the mailbox settings, in "Network" you should see the GetMailboxFolders request that reads existing mailboxes from the mail server.
Check if this request completes successfully, if there are any problems, you will see the reason why the mailbox is not displayed in the "response" tab of the request.
You can also make sure that the synchronization is correct on the mailbox diagnostics page.
If the problem persists, please contact our support team at support@creatio.com.
Best regards,