
How to show a Lookup result's description on section

For example, In any section, the result of the lookup of the "Contact" record also needs to show the Contact's email and mobile phone number in two read-only order fields:  Contact Email and Contact Phone.

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Angela's answer describes how to add the columns to the lookup dialog itself. I think what you're after is to display the other values on the page where the lookup exists. There was a similar question that I answered here… that outlines the steps.


Dear Dick,


You should be able to do this by using the "Select fields to display" option in a lookup window under the "View" action. 


Best regards,



Angela's answer describes how to add the columns to the lookup dialog itself. I think what you're after is to display the other values on the page where the lookup exists. There was a similar question that I answered here… that outlines the steps.


Angela Reyes,

That works for simple lookups and displaying a related value but I'm looking for more customization.

Dick Wooden,

The view of this window is determined by BaseModalBoxPage schema so you can modify it for specific lookups or use it as a parent in customized schemas.


Best regards,


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