Having issues with Creatio connector for Zapier.com

I recently started using Creatio Zapier integration and loved how it syncs contact information with my Google Contacts. Saves a lot of my time.


However, on a regular basis multiple times a day, Zapier sends me the following error:

Error Message: bpm'online (1.0.0): The app did not respond in-time. It may or may not have completed successfully.


Because of this regularly repeated error, Zapier has now turned off my integration.

Your Zap titled "Google to Creatio contact" has been turned off because we're getting repeated errors nearly every time we try to run it.


Who can from Devlabs help resolve this issue?

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Hello Ammar,


Please make a screenshot with the zap settings so that we can reproduce the issue. Make sure to edit your confidential information out.


We also need to know if the error appears at any time or during non-business hours only.

Alexander Demidov,


https://prnt.sc/xahfmf - Google Contacts trigger

https://prnt.sc/xahjn3 - Creatio Action Event: create contact

https://prnt.sc/xahmp4 - Data from Google fetched

https://prnt.sc/xahon9 - Error Description

http://prnt.sc/xahq43 - after so many errors, Zapier halted the zap


The error happens at any time.

Hello Ammar,


Sorry for the inconvenience caused. We have reproduced the issue and submitted it to the responsible team.


Currently, we are waiting for them to dissect the issue. After we get the results, we will come back with further instructions for the next step.

Hello Luis,


Seems like your error occurs for another reason.

Please make a screenshot with your zap settings so that we could analyze it further.


thank you!

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