Color Setup in Calendar



I have setup the color in the calendar. Background color is working when displaying the task. On selection of the task, OOTB color is showing. How to setup OOTB color on selection?




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Hello Akshaya,


Please check the system settings: ExpiredTaskColor and 

FinishedTaskColor, these options should help you.

You can find them in System Designer => System Settings.


Best regards,

Bogdan S.

Bogdan Spasibov,

Hi Bogdan, 

I have tried the above system settings, Still its not working.

Is there any other alternate for this one?




Akshaya Gajendran,


Please check the example of how we have implemented such a task at our demo Creatio:


1. Firstly, you need to create a replacing client module schema for the "ActivitySectionV2" client module. Please find the information about it in the article by the link below:…


2. In a new replacing client schema, please insert the code below (we'll create dependent modules later):


define("ActivitySectionV2", ["css!UsrActivitySectionV2CSS", "css!UsrActivitySectionCSS"],
function() {
    return {
        entitySchemaName: "Activity",
        diff: /**SCHEMA_DIFF*/[]/**SCHEMA_DIFF*/,
        messages: /**SCHEMA_DIFF*/{}/**SCHEMA_DIFF*/,
        methods: /**SCHEMA_DIFF*/{}/**SCHEMA_DIFF*/


3. Please create a new module "UsrActivitySectionV2CSS" with the following code: 


define("UsrActivitySectionV2CSS", [], function() {});


and add there LESS styles:


.scheduleritem-done scheduleritem-selected{
	background-color: #ffb3eb;
	background: #ffb3eb;
.scheduleritem-overdue scheduleritem-selected{
	background-color: #b3ffe9;
	background: #b3ffe9;


4. Please create a new module "UsrActivitySectionCSS" with the following code: 


define("UsrActivitySectionCSS", [], function() {
	return {};


and add there LESS styles:


.scheduleritem-done {
	background-color: #ffe499 !important;
	&.scheduleritem-selected {
		background-color: #ffe499 !important;
.scheduleritem-overdue {
	background-color: #c9b3ff !important;
	&.scheduleritem-selected {
		background-color: #c9b3ff !important;


5. These dependent modules have been already added to the replacing "ActivitySectionV2" client module schema, so save the changes and hard-reload the page.




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