Open call page after a call

Dear mates,


Is it possible to open the page call after a call ?




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Hello Nicolas,


Yes, this is possible and the sequence is as follows:


1) Execute this SQL query in the database of the app:


update Sysmodule set IsSystem = 0 where Code = 'Call'


2) Once done refresh the page and go to the business process designer and create a business process with the start signal that is triggered upon record modification in the "Call" object and expects changes in the "End date" field (since once the call is completed the "End date" field is filled in). Also there should be a filter that the "End date" is filled in and the "Modified by" field value is set as the "Current contact" (so to avoid collisions in process start for different users)


3) Add an "Open edit page" process element that will open the completed call and fill in the following parameters like on the screenshot (Record id is a unique identifier of the record from the start signal process element).


As a result when the process is saved each time a call is completed you will see the edit page of this call that is opened via a process and the business task is achieved.


Best regards,


Oscar Dylan,

Oscar, can I ask what the IsSystem column in SysModule indicates? I assume that objects marked as IsSystem=1 don't emit object add/edit/delete event signals, is this correct? Does changing the value for IsSystem impact anything else?




Ryan Farley,


If this column value is set as 1 then the object of this module cannot be displayed in the "Open edit page" process element and yes, you are correct, system objects cannot trigger signals of the process (like SysAdminUnit object that is also a system object).


It is not recommended to update this column value (IsSystem), but in our particular case everything works correctly after that (tested locally). It is also better to firstly update the column in some dev-app and check if other functionality related to the module we've updated works correctly and only then apply the same changes to prod.


Best regards,


Oscar Dylan,


Oscar, thanks for the useful info. Very appreciated.



Hello Oscar I did it, but for some reason the edit page doesn't opens, please see at, and, whats wrong?



Hello Julio,


And can you please send the screenshot of the start signal process element?


Best regards,


Hello Oscar, sure it's on, also I change the value of isSystem, you can check it on



Thank you for the screenshots! Is this a local installation? Do you have a page displayed in the CTI panel in the "Business process tasks" tab


Best regards,


Oscar Dylan,

Yes, we have integrated Webitel Call Manager, if not the process must no start, and the process stays running on the edit page, but on open it



And as for the CTI panel? Do you have the edit page schema displayed there? Can you click on it and open the edit page?


Best regards,


Hello Oscar,

Thank you for answer, unfortunatly, i follow your instructions but the process is not launch

i did the SQL:

Here's my process:

In the process log i have no record:

Any idea ?

Oscar Dylan,

Hi Oscar, I don't understand you, I don't know how to edit the CTI Panel? I can edit Sections, but don't know how to do what you are asking me, please could you indicate how to did it?

LÉZORAY Nicolas,

please make sure that telephony works, and that after the call end the End date is filled in after call ends.


does the record appear at the CTI panel ( after the Business process start?

Daria Zigulya,

Thanks Nicolas, calls works, and I click on end button at the end. In  fact the process task to must open the edit page stays running, but not open the edit page



Can you please email us at and provide us with the link to the app where the telephony is configured and the link to the process so we could check it on our end. The simple process created on our side works perfectly with Webitel and probably the problem is with the telephony provider, but we need to check it on the environment where the issue occurs.


Thank you in advance!


Best regards,


Daria Zigulya,

Hello Daria, yes it appear, see at, but no open the call edit page, why?

Oscar Dylan,

Oscar we are using Webitel Call Manager, I will sent an email to support later, but it's the same site we have reported another details the last days where we are preparing a Webinar with Kate. Thanks


Hi All, as Oscar ask to me, I create a ticket on support, thanks. As soon as I have solved the problem I could share here what0s wrong and how to solve.

Hello all, my problem, regarding not open the Call Edit page was due I have marked "Run Following elements in the background", due this the Edit page open, but in the background and I don't see it... To enable to see the page, I must uncheck this option, see at

Hello Oscar,


It works ! the call page open after a call !


thank you !!


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