Hi Community,
I've written some code that extracts data from an object using an EntitySchemaQuery.
Everything is working fine with data extraction.
When I try to order the EntitySchemaQuery using a code similar to the one on this article:
column.orderDirection = Terrasoft.OrderDirection.DESC;
I get the following compilation errors:
What am I missing?
Thanks in advance,
Tyler Rainey,
Hi, here goes, the comments are in portuguese, sorry:
namespace Terrasoft.Configuration { using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Collections.ObjectModel; using System.Data; using Terrasoft; using Terrasoft.Common; using Terrasoft.Core; using Terrasoft.Core.Entities; using Terrasoft.Core.DB; using Newtonsoft.Json; public class imdRCCStatusServiceMacro : IMacrosInvokable { public UserConnection UserConnection { get; set; } //a estrutura geral de como construir EntitySchemaQuery está aqui https://academy.bpmonline.com/documents/technic-sdk/7-14/introduction-10 public string GetMacrosValue(object arguments) { // 1 - IR BUSCAR CONTEXTO a Activity ID, // //estou a seguir isto https://community.bpmonline.com/questions/get-object-id, estou dentro da activity, qual a oportunidade que está relacionada com a activity var sjson = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(arguments); var templ = new {Key = String.Empty, Value = String.Empty}; var args = JsonConvert.DeserializeAnonymousType(sjson, templ); var ActivityId = args.Value; // 2 - IR BUSCAR A OpportunityId o Eugene fez uma coisa parecida aqui https://community.bpmonline.com/questions/error-value-id-was-not-found // 2.1 - CRIO QUERY NA ACTIVITY var ActivityOportunityQuery = new EntitySchemaQuery(UserConnection.EntitySchemaManager, "Activity"); // 2.2 - ADICIONO TODAS AS COLUNAS AO ESQ ActivityOportunityQuery.AddAllSchemaColumns(); // 2.3 - CRIO FILTRO EM QUE O ID DA ACTIVIDADE DO FILTRO É IGUAL AO ACTIVITYID QUE VEM DO EMAIL ONDE ESTOU A CHAMAR A MACRO var ActivityFilter = ActivityOportunityQuery.CreateFilterWithParameters( FilterComparisonType.Equal, "Id", ActivityId); ActivityOportunityQuery.Filters.Add(ActivityFilter); // 2.4 - VOU BUSCAR TODOS OS DADOS DO FILTRO QUE SERÁ A INSTANCIA DA ACTIVIDADE var ActivityOportunityEntities = ActivityOportunityQuery.GetEntityCollection(UserConnection); // 2.5 - INICIO A VARIAVEL ONDE VOU GUARDAR O OpportunityId E ATRIBUO-LHE O VALOR QUE VEM DO QUERY var OppId = ""; foreach (var ActivityOportunityEntity in ActivityOportunityEntities){ OppId = ActivityOportunityEntity.GetColumnValue("OpportunityId").ToString(); }; // 3 CONTRUIR EntitySchemaQuery - qual o objecto e colunas que queremos ir buscar var StatusServiceQuery = new EntitySchemaQuery(UserConnection.EntitySchemaManager, "imdStatusService"); // 4 - ADICIONA COLUNAS - se fôr para adicionar todas posso fazer simplesment: StatusServiceQuery.AddAllSchemaColumns(); var col1 = StatusServiceQuery.AddColumn("imdMatricula"); var col2 = StatusServiceQuery.AddColumn("imdDataStatusService"); var col3 = StatusServiceQuery.AddColumn("imdLocalizacao"); var col4 = StatusServiceQuery.AddColumn("imdkmFalta"); var col5 = StatusServiceQuery.AddColumn("imdMoradaDestino"); var col6 = StatusServiceQuery.AddColumn("imdETA"); var col7 = StatusServiceQuery.AddColumn("imdNotas"); // 5 - CRIAR FILTROS - cria os r filtros para construirmos a tabela. O filtro tem de ser uma das coluna da tabela para se conseguir ligar var OpportunityFilter = StatusServiceQuery.CreateFilterWithParameters( FilterComparisonType.Equal, "imdOportunidade", OppId); // 6 - APLICAR FILTROS faz as operações com os filtros StatusServiceQuery.Filters.Add(OpportunityFilter); // 7 - FAZ O SORT DAS COLUNAS col1.orderDirection = Terrasoft.OrderDirection.DESC; col2.orderDirection = Terrasoft.OrderDirection.DESC; // 8 - VAI BUSCAR DADOS FILTRADOS Vai buscar toda a informação filtrada EntityCollection entities = StatusServiceQuery.GetEntityCollection(UserConnection); // 9 - CONSTROI CABEÇALHOS DA TABELA var html = "<table><tr><td>1 - License Plate </td><td>2 - Status Service date (PT time) </td><td>3 - Location </td><td>4 - Km's to delivery point </td><td> 5 - Delivery point </td><td>6 - ETA (local Time) </td><td>7 - Comments </td></tr>"; // 10 - CONSTROI CONTEUDO DA TABELA NA VARIÁVEL HTML ferramenta para gerar tabela: https://www.tablesgenerator.com/html_tables foreach (Entity entity in entities) { html += "<tr>"; html += "<td>" + entity.GetColumnValue(col1.Name).ToString() + "</td>"; html += "<td>" + entity.GetColumnValue(col2.Name).ToString() + "</td>"; html += "<td>" + entity.GetColumnValue(col3.Name).ToString() + "</td>"; html += "<td>" + entity.GetColumnValue(col4.Name).ToString() + "</td>"; html += "<td>" + entity.GetColumnValue(col5.Name).ToString() + "</td>"; html += "<td>" + entity.GetColumnValue(col6.Name).ToString() + "</td>"; html += "<td>" + entity.GetColumnValue(col7.Name).ToString() + "</td>"; html += "</tr>"; } html += "</table>"; // 11 - DEVOLVE A TABELA return html; } } }
Dear Luis,
The article that was mentioned above is related to client esq. The issue happens because you try to use the client esq code inside the server esq code.
Please find an example about how to sort in both server and client esq in the article by the link below:
Additionally, please find more information in the article by the link below:
Best regards,
Norton Lingard,
Hi Norton,
thanks a lot, it was a stupid mistake. I tried OrderByAsc and it is working to sort one column.
I realized I do need help with one other point:
the output of the sorted table should sort by 2 columns, 1st by "License Plate" and then by "status service date".
Is there a way to apply an equivalent to the ThenBy class from c#?
something like "StatusServiceQuery.OrderBy(c => c.LastName).ThenBy(c => c.FirstName)
like described here:
Thanks in advance,
Hi Norton/Tyler,
I ran some tests and if I apply the sort OrderByAsc 2 times for the diferent columns it has the ThenBy behaviour, so please forget my last comment and thaks for all the help!
col1.OrderByAsc(0); col2.OrderByAsc(0);