Can we create a business rule that would process column attribute modifications (e.g., the "required" checkbox) by two collumns?
Below is an example of a business rule that makes the “UsrRequired” field required for population only in case the "UsrText0" and "UsrText1" fields are unpopulated:
rules: { "UsrRequired": { BindParameterRequiredAccountByType: { ruleType: BusinessRuleModule.enums.RuleType.BINDPARAMETER, property: BusinessRuleModule.enums.Property.REQUIRED, logical: Terrasoft.LogicalOperatorType.AND, conditions: [ { leftExpression: { type: BusinessRuleModule.enums.ValueType.ATTRIBUTE, attribute: "UsrTest0", }, comparisonType: Terrasoft.ComparisonType.EQUAL, rightExpression: { type: BusinessRuleModule.enums.ValueType.CONSTANT, value: "" } }, { leftExpression: { type: BusinessRuleModule.enums.ValueType.ATTRIBUTE, attribute: "UsrTest1", }, comparisonType: Terrasoft.ComparisonType.EQUAL, rightExpression: { type: BusinessRuleModule.enums.ValueType.CONSTANT, value: "" } } ] } } },