In earlier versions, we used to get automatic reminders about activities (for the owner and the reporter). It does not work any longer.
This functionality can be implemented via extension of existing methods in the activity edit page schema:
methods: { setRemindCustom: function() { if (this.get("StartDate")) { var remindToOwnerDate = this.get("StartDate"); remindToOwnerDate = Ext.Date.add(remindToOwnerDate, Ext.Date.MINUTE, -15); var remindToAuthorDate = this.get("StartDate"); remindToAuthorDate = Ext.Date.add(remindToAuthorDate, Ext.Date.MINUTE, -15); this.set("RemindToOwner", true); this.set("RemindToAuthor", true); this.set("RemindToOwnerDate", remindToOwnerDate); this.set("RemindToAuthorDate", remindToAuthorDate); } }, onStartDateChanged: function() { this.callParent(arguments); this.setRemindCustom(); }, onEntityInitialized: function() { this.callParent(arguments); if (this.isAddMode() || this.isCopyMode()) { if (this.get("StartDate")) { this.setRemindCustom(); } } } },