How can I bind the selected row of a list to a property in the ViewModel, or even how can I execute custom code (custom handler) when the row is changed?
It's triggered when the record is selected in the list and retrieves all selected rows in the list. If you need to retrive currently selected record you may add the following line
It's triggered when the record is selected in the list and retrieves all selected rows in the list. If you need to retrive currently selected record you may add the following line
I have a Freedom UI list where I can take a few actions after the user has selected one or more rows. The actions run as expected, but the records are kept selected after the actions run and the user has to manually clear the selection. What do I need to add to the custom code to clear the selection?
It depends on the action. The Unlock one just clears the locked by field for the selected cases. The print generates letters and sends them to our print vendor for each case selected. Finally, the Assign one opens a window where the user can select the person to assign the cases to. Each one is calling the code below with the proper parameters.
I just need to know what I need to add to that code to clear the selection after the code that runs the business process.
processSelectedRows: async function(request, processName, message, next) { var selectedRecords = await this.getSelectedRows(request.$context); var count = selectedRecords.count; var date = new Date(); var hours = date.getHours(); var minutes = date.getMinutes(); var ampm = hours >= 12 ? 'PM' : 'AM'; hours = hours > 12 ? hours - 12 : hours; var timeString = hours.toString().padStart(2, '0') + ':' + minutes.toString().padStart(2, '0') + " " + ampm; message = message + " on " + timeString + " for " + count + " selected records."; request.$context.executeRequest({ type: "crt.NotificationRequest", message:message }); const handlerChain = sdk.HandlerChainService.instance; result = await handlerChain.process({ type: 'crt.RunBusinessProcessRequest', processName: processName, processRunType: "RegardlessOfThePage", processParameters: { "SelectedRecords": selectedRecords.selected }, $context: request.$context }); if (!result.success) { var errorMsg = Ext.String.format(resources.localizableStrings.UnableToProcessSelectedRows, processName, result.errorInfo?.message); request.$context.executeRequest({ type: "crt.NotificationRequest", message: errorMsg }); } /* Call the next handler if it exists and return its result. */ return next?.handle(request); }
Thanks Ryan. I tried that (and other variations like setting the type to 'clear') and the model gets cleared, but the GUI is not refreshed. In other worlds on the page the records are still showing as selected even though the model now has cleared the selection.
I need to show selection checkbox for each record onload of Customers list view (screenshot). Currently checkboxes are showing only after clicking on Actions > Select multiple records