I created a modal which inherits the BasePageV2 to solve my problem with lookup's filtering for simplelookups, but now I am facing problem with trying to close the modal.
I tried BasePageV2's onBackButtonClick, this._closePage(), onDiscardChangesClick and it doesn't close the modal.
The onLookupDataLoaded: function(config) is not triggered for a custom lookup field in the object. However, the same is triggering for the OOTB lookup columns.
When the control is passed to the lookup, the onLookupDataLoaded event has to trigger but it isn't triggering for custom/newly created lookup in objects.
Are any additional changes required for new lookup columns added to the object?
Is there a declarative way to display fields from a lookup on an entity's edit page? For example, if I have a Contact record whose Owner field is set and I want to display the Owner's Job Title as a read-only field on the Contact's edit page, is it possible to do without adding some code to th...MoreLess
As a side comment, I'd love to be able to declaratively add fields like this, the system could just make them read-only if they are on a connected...MoreLess
And then, I want its datasource is Filtered Contacts with condition is "he/she has mobile phone number". I know "lookupListConfig", but can't set Contacts is the datasource. Please help me to do that.