Hello Community,


I would like to add a custom icon to the Creatio icon list. How can I achieve this?

Best regards,
Ajay Kuthe

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Unfortunately, there is currently no way to add a new icon in the icon list for Freedom UI on the current configuration.


However, a task has already been registered in our R&D team to consider and implement such a feature in future releases. 

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Hi all, 

we have Next steps elements in Freedom UI. But "+" creates Task by default. How can we add one more thing like create a case or send message? Is it possible in freedom UI?

Thanks in advance.

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Best reply


You can add items to the menu from the + (add) button to add things such as "Create a case" etc. However, the case won't show in the Next step list. 

To add items to the list, you can do this with no code in the page designer (click the + button and add a new item to it)



Unfortunately, it is not yet possible to add the option of adding Emails, Calls, and Messages records via clicking on Next Step. Alternatively, you can try to perform such an action through customization in the Freedom UI designer. Add menu items to the + Next Step button and customize the opening of pages for different types of activities.

However, we have forwarded your idea to the responsible R&D team to add this functionality in future releases.

 Thank you for helping us to improve our product!


You can add items to the menu from the + (add) button to add things such as "Create a case" etc. However, the case won't show in the Next step list. 

To add items to the list, you can do this with no code in the page designer (click the + button and add a new item to it)


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Ivan Savenko,

Dear Ivan,


I mean APP Icons, When I'm on App Hub and want to add a new app and assign it an icon, I can just access predefined icons. 


I need to know, if like in CLassic UI, I can upload my own.


Ivan Savenko,

Dear Iva, Hello Colleagues, some idea how to do what I'm asking? is it possible?


I believe you can add the image bytes into the SysModule record, however, I don't know of any easy way to do this without creating something to load the bytes into the table. The no code tools only allow for selecting from the list of choices.


Ryan Farley,

Thanks Ryan,


In Classic UI this were a daily task (In Section Wizard), I expect in some near future it could be available on App Wizard also to Freedom APPS




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I wish to add an image/icon to every record in a detail. To do so, my understanding is that you'll have to add a container to every record in a detail that receives the image from the imagelink column according to the documentation:

Add an image field to a record page | Creatio Academy


How do I go about doing this?

Thanks in advance.





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This is only possible if you add this image container to the edit page of the section or the detail and then choose the tile view in the detail itself. In this case the image can be displayed in the detail grid.

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Hi Team,


I am looking for a feasibility in implementing this functionality of adding icons in Edit page of a section object and sort the records having icon.


Ideally my requirement is in 2 part

1. An icon to be placed next to a Boolean field in edit page

2. To which all fields the boolean is checked, the records in the section page should be ordered first with those records and then the remaining records.


Kindly suggest if it is feasible. Hoping for a positive reply


Thank you!

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Hello, Anupama!


Here is the guide how you can possibly add the field with an image:




Regarding your second question - that can be done just by UI, if you set up the logic, and show the column on the page - you can just click on this column and all the data will be ordered by it. Like this: 


If I ckick my "TestBoolean" field, it becomes ordered by this field with value 'Yes'. 


Best Regards, 


Bogdan L.

Thanks Bogdan Lesyk for the links. 


With the first part, I have a question with the image container suggestion.


1. I want a static image which gets displayed when ever the check box is checked. With the image container, would I be able to disable the methods - beforePhotoFileSelected(), onPhotoChange() and onPhotoUploaded()  as it is not required to open the file upload part and event for photochange.

2. I want the image in the ProfileContainer with max 24*24 dimension. How much feasible is that?


Second part of the question, which I should have framed it with more details. So ideally the checkbox field which has image associated should also be displayed in the section similar to how it is displayed in Account and it should by default sort with records that has the checkbox checked (with the image icon displayed) to displayed in top results with unchecked records in bottom results.


Appreciate your valuable input.






Actually, we don't have practical examples of such implementation and I'm not sure it's possible to do. 


Another workaround here could be adding the picture as I mentioned in the previous answer, then you can set up a Business rule, e.g if your Boolean field is checked, then you can show this field with an image on the page.




Hopefully, it helps! 


Best Regards, 


Bogdan L. 

Bogdan Lesyk,



I have followed the steps that was shared in Community Post

Add Manager Mood from Opportunities to Accounts | Community Creatio


Have created and registered the LookupEdit Page to the db. In my requirement, was able to place the image in the lookup edit page but while setting column, I don't find that field. I have tried generating all schemas after the implementation and compiled the package. 

I would need to add the lookup to LeadPageV2 in Profile Container but the lookup should display the image instead of the Name field value/ Kindly suggest! Thanks

Link to the files are included here


1. UsrPriorityLookupEditPageV2.j

2. UsrPriorityLookupSectionV2.js

3. LeadPageV2.js

Appreciate your valuable comments. 






Let's perform the discussion in terms of this thread - https://community.creatio.com/questions/add-manager-mood-opportunities-….


Best regards,


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