I am trying to implement validation logic in client module edit page of a section.

I want to save the column value of UsrAttributeName (a lookup) into a variable.

To do this, I am using this.get("UsrAttributeName").displayValue. But when Page is loaded it hangs and console shows the error 

message: Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'displayValue' of undefined 

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1. To add validation use this.addColumnValidator method in setValidationConfig method.

Please, find the example in the Academy article: https://academy.creatio.com/documents/technic-sdk/7-16/how-add-field-va…


2. If the column value is not defined you cannot call for its properties. Check if the column has value:

var attribute =  this.get("UsrAttributeName");

var attributeDisplayValue = attribute  && attribute.displayValue;


Please, let us know in case any additional information is required. 


Best regards,


Olga Avis,



After debugging it turns out undefined is coming because Entity/Page is not fully loaded or when I create a new record then all fields are empty.

I could use your suggested way to assign attribute value to a variable but that would not be able to work if entity/page is not fully loaded.


So I used a flag in attributes with default value false and set it to true in OnEntityIntilized method.

Then I checked the flag, if it is true then the validation method will run.




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Creatio by default allows a user to choose between 50, 250 and 500 as max lengths of a Text column from the Object designer. We have a use case where we have to set a specific max length for a field Eg Text (80 charecters). Find below a few questions in this regard 

1. Is there a way to set this custom max length for that object from the Creatio GUI?

2. If #1 is not possible, Can this be set directly at the database/data model layer? If Yes, How? Also, will such a limit automatically bubble upward to the UI? ie If the field is set to 80 charectars and an input field is linked to it, Does a validation of max 80 charectars on the UI automatically apply?

3. The following link provides guidelines on how to custom implement an input validation on the UI. Will such a validation also work on Creatio Mobile?

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Hello. Would really appreciate some help on this question

M Shrikanth,


1. There is no way to set the custom max length for a field from the Creatio GUI.


2. It's possible to set the custom max length for a field via development by creating a field validator. Please find the examples in the article on Academy:



3. The validation functionality must be developed in the mobile application separately. You need to create a custom business rule in the mobile for that. The guidelines can be found in the article on Academy:



Creatio by default allows a user to choose between 50, 250 and 500 as max lengths of a Text column from the Object designer.

1. Is there a way to set this custom max length for that object from the Freedom UI?

Ahamed Rizlan,




On the object level it's not possible however field validator can be used on the page where the field is added to ensure the value has a specific length and prevent saving when the field length is greater than some value. Here is an article regarding field validators in Freedom UI.

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Is there a way to make a thread sleep (like "Thread.Sleep(nnn)" in C#) in order to make it possible to wait for a property set by an ESQ return, such as the code example below ?


this.set(("EsqOk", false);

esq.getEntityCollection(function(result) {


     // ESQ return


     this.set(("ValidationMessage", "xxxxxxxx");

     this.set("EsqOk", true);


}, this);

// main thread flow

while (!this.get("EsqOk") {



return {

     invalidMsg: this.get("ValidationMessage")



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No. It's a bad idea to stop the application for data selection. It's better to use masks. Like MaskHelper.showBodyMask and MaskHelper.hideBodyMask

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